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New address: January 1, 2021   - 500 E. Cannon Dr. Lone Jack, Missouri -     1-714-824-4459     -     [email protected]

 Custom Architectural Woodturning

Abaroot Custom Wood Turning Company Inc.. © 2014

Roof Finial 40" x 48"


Roof Finial 10" 40"

10" Ball cap

Chess pieces 5-1/2"

Weather Vane

Maple - Walnut stool

Custom chess board

Wood Baseball bat Large
Wooden design post
Wooden Art piece
Novelty wooden pieces

Wooden Novelty pieces
checkers or Chess board
Wood Large Chess pieces
Wooden Urns
custom wood turned large pedestal
custom wood turned chess pieces
custom wood turned novelty stool

Plywood Art piece 12" x 20"


Planter Urn 38" x 6'

Custom Urns 5" & 6"

Large bat

Abaroot Woodturning has the manufacturing capabilities to produce ultra-custom hand-turned novelty wood pieces. Just a few of our famous custom novelty pieces include giant chess pieces, custom stools, urns, custom weather vane, and extra large roof finials.

Our master craftsmen take pride in producing high-quality custom wood turnings to meet your design needs.

Contact us to discuss your project - fill out this form, call us at 1-562-492-6700, or email us at [email protected].

Custom Woodturing Information